Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Eleven

So I haven't been updating this as frequently as I wanted (everyday,) but life is hectic and I get lazy.

This whole thing isn't going so well so far. I mean, I've been drinking lots more water, and eating a bit healthier. I barely drink pop, just a few sips here and there. I still eat at Denny's like every freaking day (its hard not to when you work there) but I've been eating more salads. Sure, a salad isn't going to solve all my health issues, but it's a start, right?
I'm still having issues spacing my meals out throughout the day. I mainly just eat something small in the morning, then eat a bunch all at once for dinner because I'm freaking starving. The problem, I think, is that I never ate during the day before, really. I never ever took lunch to school, and I never had money to buy food from the cafeteria, so I just ate when I got home at like, four. After six years of that, it's hard to just start eating. I just don't get hungry until later in the day.

I have actually GAINED weight some how. I've been eating a little better, not so much as to think I should have lost weight, but to gain it is kind of a slap in the face. I haven't actually gained real weight in like a year. One or two pounds up of down wasn't unusual, but I went up to 261lbs. 

Anyways, today I've yet to eat anything, and I've been up for over an hour, which kind of shoots a proper breakfast in the face, but there's no groceries here right now, Dad just left to get some, so I'lkl eat when he gets home... I am going to make myself a cup of Green Tea, though. My Aunt Sharon has a weight loss book that suggests drinking a cup with every meal, and I don't mind, really, because I like it. I just need to buy some honey to sweeten it, instead of sugar (even if it is brown sugar.)

I'm starting at the gym as soon as I get paid. I really need to start putting more effort into this. I have lots of motivation, but no drive. Probably because I'm low on energy because I don't eat properly. I gotta end this cycle.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Healthy Eating Tips

Just wanted to post some healthy eating tip links.

Day Two

Well... today didn't go as well as I had hoped. Breakfast was two pieces of white toast with chunky peanut butter. Lunch was at Denny's (I eat there entirely too often.) A whole wheat pancake, a little butter, but no syrup! Two poached eggs, a small dish of yogurt and two pieces of bacon. (I will never give up my bacon.) Later on I had a snack at DQ with mom... not the best choice, but I did have a salad again, with Sun Dried Tomato dressing, and a chicken ranch wrap with half sauce. Unfortunately for dinner I had two microwave burritos. And as another snack, two pieces of celery and a few baby carrots. And then there were a few Timbits mixed in there, and a French Vanilla coffee with whipped topping. Mom got it for me, and I couldn't say no. But, I haven't had any kind of soft drink today, only the coffee, a glass of orange juice with lunch, and water.

I find it hard to eat healthy when everyone around me is eating junk, and when everything I have access to is junk. And I am not blaming anyone. Junk food is cheaper, easier and quicker than healthy food. I am starting to think I might have to save money and buy my own food or something.

I got a few really good tips and stuff that I'm going to look into. Also, I want to get a gym pass next pay check. I don't even know how to exercise, really, but I want to learn.

Anyways, I'm keeping this semi-short, so I guess that's it for now.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Post!

So, this is my first post for my weight loss journal. I decided to use a blog instead of a physical journal because of the interactive aspect of it. I would love other people to be part of this, comment, and join in if they'd like. I think having the extra support will help me (and anyone else who decides to join me) and provide more initiative to start and keep up a healthy lifestyle. :)

I hate my weight, I hate how my body looks, and I hate that I’m so unhealthy. Even if I don’t reach my weight goal, I’m going to be happy being a healthy individual.

I've been reading lots of healthy weight loss articles and books and such, and so far they've all said the same thing: Diet is everything. Exercise is important, of course, but if you aren't eating right, it won't matter how hard you exercise. So I'm going to try and eat more grains, hence less whites, no junk food- which is going to be hard because while I don't actually eat all that much, 95% of it is crap- less red meat, about two servings a month, smaller portion  and meal sizes, more meals during the day. (Six small meals.) I'm going to try and eat by the Canada Food Guide's recommendations every day, and most importantly, drink my eight glasses of water every day.

I want to start doing twenty minutes of exercise every day, and gradually get up to about forty five over the next couple of months. I am including my work hours as my daily exercise.

So I'll start with today...
Today I weigh 256 lbs. My BMI is 40.1, which is obese, according to the WHO. My goal weight is 160 lbs, which means losing 94 lbs. I want to weigh my goal weight by this date next year. 7 lbs a month, 1 lb a week.

Today I ate half a Western Burger from Denny’s for breakfast, because it was in the fridge. I had two DQ chicken wraps, an order of fries and a garden salad with Italian dressing for lunch. So not a very healthy start (though that salad could have been more fries, or onion rings.) But for dinner I had a small serving of salad with Italian dressing, a piece of chicken and a few pieces of French bread. When I finished eating, I still felt hungry, but I held off. It’s been about an hour since, and I actually feel quite full and satisfied.
I did little to no exercise today.

Like I said, I really want my friends and family to join me in this, even if it’s in their own way. And if you start your own weight loss journal, I'd love to read it! :D