Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Eleven

So I haven't been updating this as frequently as I wanted (everyday,) but life is hectic and I get lazy.

This whole thing isn't going so well so far. I mean, I've been drinking lots more water, and eating a bit healthier. I barely drink pop, just a few sips here and there. I still eat at Denny's like every freaking day (its hard not to when you work there) but I've been eating more salads. Sure, a salad isn't going to solve all my health issues, but it's a start, right?
I'm still having issues spacing my meals out throughout the day. I mainly just eat something small in the morning, then eat a bunch all at once for dinner because I'm freaking starving. The problem, I think, is that I never ate during the day before, really. I never ever took lunch to school, and I never had money to buy food from the cafeteria, so I just ate when I got home at like, four. After six years of that, it's hard to just start eating. I just don't get hungry until later in the day.

I have actually GAINED weight some how. I've been eating a little better, not so much as to think I should have lost weight, but to gain it is kind of a slap in the face. I haven't actually gained real weight in like a year. One or two pounds up of down wasn't unusual, but I went up to 261lbs. 

Anyways, today I've yet to eat anything, and I've been up for over an hour, which kind of shoots a proper breakfast in the face, but there's no groceries here right now, Dad just left to get some, so I'lkl eat when he gets home... I am going to make myself a cup of Green Tea, though. My Aunt Sharon has a weight loss book that suggests drinking a cup with every meal, and I don't mind, really, because I like it. I just need to buy some honey to sweeten it, instead of sugar (even if it is brown sugar.)

I'm starting at the gym as soon as I get paid. I really need to start putting more effort into this. I have lots of motivation, but no drive. Probably because I'm low on energy because I don't eat properly. I gotta end this cycle.

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